lessons.lesson_3_and_4 package


lessons.lesson_3_and_4.main module

# Raspberry Pi Pico W LESSON 3: Understanding and Using Binary Numbers # https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_xiDka0Nm0&list=PLGs0VKk2DiYz8js1SJog21cDhkBqyAhC5&index=3

# Raspberry Pi Pico W LESSON 4: Create a Binary Counter Using the Pico W # https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1dzHNgAtvg&list=PLGs0VKk2DiYz8js1SJog21cDhkBqyAhC5&index=4

lessons.lesson_3_and_4.main.get_val(n_val) int[source]

Convert TRUE to 1 and FALSE to 0 :param n_val: :return:

lessons.lesson_3_and_4.main.set_all_pins(pin_vals: tuple) None[source]

Set value for all pins :param pin_vals: :return:

lessons.lesson_3_and_4.main.set_pin_val(pin, val) None[source]

Set Pin value -> ON/OFF :param pin: :param val: :return:

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