Source code for lessons.lesson_7_and_8.main

Raspberry Pi Pico W LESSON 7: Controlling 3 LED with a Potentiometer in Micropython

Raspberry Pi Pico W LESSON 8: Compound Conditionals and If Statements in MicroPython
from time import sleep
from machine import Pin, ADC  # pylint: disable=import-error

# Mapping pins by color/name
Pins: dict = {
    'READ': 28,      # Potentiometer
    'GREEN': 10,     # Green LED
    'YELLOW': 11,    # Yellow LED
    'RED': 12,       # Red LED

# Mapping colors to potentiometer values
COLORS: dict = {
    'GREEN': range(0, 80),
    'YELLOW': range(80, 95),
    'RED': range(95, 101),

# Set up pin for potentiometer
potentiometer: ADC = ADC(Pins['READ'])

[docs] def all_led_off() -> None: """ Turns all leds off :return: """ for color in COLORS: pin = Pin(Pins[color], Pin.OUT) pin.value(0)
[docs] def value_to_color(v_value) -> str: """ Mapping pin name/color by potentiometer number COLORS[color] => range of integers :param v_value: :return: """ new_color: str = '' for color, values in COLORS.items(): if v_value in values: new_color = color break return new_color
[docs] def turn_led_on(color) -> None: """ Turns LED on based on color/name :param color: :return: """ pin: Pin = Pin(Pins[color], Pin.OUT) pin.value(1)
[docs] def converter(read_value) -> int: """ Converts potentiometer value to integer between 0 and 100 x min = 0, x max = 65535 y min = 0, y max = 100 :param read_value: :return: """ slope: float = (100 - 0) / (65535 - 0) # calculate slope return int(slope * (read_value - 0)) # calculate Y and converted to integer value
if __name__ == '__main__': # Main loop while True: all_led_off() # Turn off all LEDs # Read potentiometer value -> v V: int = potentiometer.read_u16() # pylint: disable=E1111 # Convert potentiometer value into integer between 0 and 100 VALUE: int = converter(V) LED_COLOR: str = value_to_color(VALUE) # Get color based on converted value turn_led_on(LED_COLOR) # Turn ON corresponding LED print(f'value: {VALUE}, LED: {LED_COLOR}') # DEBUG output sleep(0.25) # Sleep 0.25 seconds