Source code for tests.lesson_12_test

Test suite for lesson 12.

import io
from contextlib import redirect_stdout
import unittest
from unittest.mock import patch
from lessons.lesson_12.main import (

[docs] class Lesson12TestCase(unittest.TestCase): """ Test case for lesson 12. """
[docs] def test_colors_data_type(self): """ colors data type should be dictionary. :return: """ self.assertIsInstance(colors, dict)
[docs] def test_pins_data_type(self): """ pins data type should be dictionary. :return: """ self.assertIsInstance(pins, dict)
[docs] def test_pwms_data_type(self): """ pwms data type should be tuple. :return: """ self.assertIsInstance(pwms, tuple)
[docs] def test_calc_pwm_0(self): """ Pass 0 as color_value. Result should be 0. :return: """ color_value = 0 self.assertEqual(calc_pwm(color_value), 0)
[docs] def test_calc_pwm_255(self): """ Pass 255 as color_value. Result should be 65550. :return: """ color_value = 255 self.assertEqual(calc_pwm(color_value), 65550)
[docs] def test_calc_pwm_165(self): """ Pass 165 as color_value. Result should be 42414. :return: """ color_value = 165 self.assertEqual(calc_pwm(color_value), 42414)
[docs] def test_pwms_off_returns_none(self): """ pwms_off should return none. :return: """ self.assertIsNone(pwms_off())
[docs] def test_initial_setup_returns_none(self): """ initial_setup should return none. :return: """ self.assertIsNone(initial_setup())
[docs] def test_led_on_print_debug_red(self): """ Test that led_on prints proper debug line for red color. Source: :return: """ color: str = 'red' # color RGB values 255, 0, 0 txt: str = f"\nDEBUG -> R: {65550}, G: {0}, B: {0}\n" f = io.StringIO() with redirect_stdout(f): led_on(color) self.assertTrue(txt in f.getvalue())
[docs] def test_led_on_print_debug_white(self): """ Test that led_on prints proper debug line for white color. Source: :return: """ color: str = 'white' # color RGB values 255, 255, 255 txt: str = f"\nDEBUG -> R: {65550}, G: {65550}, B: {65550}\n" f = io.StringIO() with redirect_stdout(f): led_on(color) self.assertTrue(txt in f.getvalue())
[docs] @patch('builtins.input', return_value="eXiT") def test_get_color_exit_mixed(self, mock_input): # pylint: disable=W0613 """ Verify that get_color returns exit on eXiT as user input :return: """ result = get_color() self.assertTrue(result, 'exit')
[docs] @patch('builtins.input', return_value="rEd") def test_get_color_red_mixed(self, mock_input): # pylint: disable=W0613 """ Verify that get_color returns red on rEd as user input :return: """ result = get_color() self.assertTrue(result, 'red')
[docs] @patch('builtins.input', side_effect=["sergtry", 'wHitE']) def test_get_color_invalid_input(self, mock_input): # pylint: disable=W0613 """ Verify that get_color returns error message on invalid input and white on wHitE as user input. Source: :return: """ txt: str = ("\nPlease choose your color only from the listed options " "or type 'exit' to stop the execution.") f = io.StringIO() with redirect_stdout(f): result = get_color() self.assertTrue(txt in f.getvalue()) self.assertTrue(result, 'white')
if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()